Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.)

Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.Cancel culture is about cancellingyou and the nation state.Covid vaccines are about killing you. We must awaken from our slumber and realize that we have been declared redundant. We cannot continue to play stupid. We’ve been handed our pink slip.  These depraved psychopathsContinue reading “Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.)”

Hamas War Updates: The Ministry of Health in Gaza released a devastating announcement, revealing that the death toll from Israeli aggression has risen (The world watches in horror as the occupation forces continue the onslaught on innocent Palestinians.)

The introduction is from wikipedia: Israeli-occupied territories are the lands that were captured and occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967. While the term is currently applied to the Palestinian territories and the Golan Heights, it has also been used to refer to areas that were formerly occupied by Israel, namely the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon. Prior to Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War, occupationContinue reading “Hamas War Updates: The Ministry of Health in Gaza released a devastating announcement, revealing that the death toll from Israeli aggression has risen (The world watches in horror as the occupation forces continue the onslaught on innocent Palestinians.)”

Surviving Anarchy- The worst expression of this threat absent an invading army. It’s best to plan now to avoid this type of situation as early as possible.

One of the scenarios we prepare for is the complete absence of any form of government, or at least the local governments we rely on to keep things quasi-normal. When the chaos is too great or the resources are overwhelmed due to illness, panic or scale of the issue, the systems we rely on now forContinue reading “Surviving Anarchy- The worst expression of this threat absent an invading army. It’s best to plan now to avoid this type of situation as early as possible.”

A horror story would be if all the ATMs stopped working and most people started delirious. (Money plays such an important role in our lives that most of us could not imagine surviving without it.)

Money plays such an important role in our lives that most of us could not imagine surviving without it. Yet that is exactly what you need to do if you want to prepare for an economic condition called deflation. Deflation is the term economists use to describe a “general decline in prices, often caused byContinue reading “A horror story would be if all the ATMs stopped working and most people started delirious. (Money plays such an important role in our lives that most of us could not imagine surviving without it.)”

The genocide of capitalism- With the globalization and concentrated wealth, neurologically injured psychopathic billionaires can inflict unprecedented harm around the world and turn global politics into their own live action version of Orwell’s 1984.

According to– Most will assume that this article was triggered by the widely discussed Mass killings under communist regimes. IMHO this has a far less distinct topic and IMHO not a distinct topic, leaving it open to be a POV fork or coatrack. Or not a more distinct topic as Mass killings under capitalist regimes would be,Continue reading “The genocide of capitalism- With the globalization and concentrated wealth, neurologically injured psychopathic billionaires can inflict unprecedented harm around the world and turn global politics into their own live action version of Orwell’s 1984.”

September 15 – 16 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit

Leaders of 15 nations are attending this month’s SCO summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan — including from China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, its 8 member-states. At this year’s summit, Iran signed a memorandum to become its 9th member before next year’s SCO gathering in India. Observer nation Belarus also began the processContinue reading “September 15 – 16 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit”

The Great Depression Was One Of The Most Traumatic Events In American History: 50 Tips From The Great Depression

The Great Depression was one of the most traumatic events in American history. Following the stock market crash of October 1929, industrial production crashed, construction shrank to a fraction of what it had been and millions of people found themselves on short hours or without work. Until the economy picked up again in 1935 life was aContinue reading “The Great Depression Was One Of The Most Traumatic Events In American History: 50 Tips From The Great Depression”

16 Big Thorium Reactor Pros and Cons: Thorium energy – the missed opportunity. But it’s not too late, nor a moment too soon.

In their various fixations on particular energy sources, Western governments may have missed a wonderful opportunity to resolve our energy/environmental worries for generations to come. That’s assuming they wanted to solve these problems of course. Problems persist when those in charge of solving them are actually less interested in solutions than in milking the “unresolved’ problem(s) forContinue reading “16 Big Thorium Reactor Pros and Cons: Thorium energy – the missed opportunity. But it’s not too late, nor a moment too soon.”

Wiping Out Our Technology Base- What Happens If An Event Such As A Solar Flare, EMP, Or A Plague Takes Our Society Farther Back Than The Early 1900s

It’s one or two years after an EMP attack and you are safely tucked away in your retreat somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Your storage foods have mostly been used and your high tech electronics is useless. The really bad stuff is mostly past. Now it’s try to stay fed and alive and prayContinue reading “Wiping Out Our Technology Base- What Happens If An Event Such As A Solar Flare, EMP, Or A Plague Takes Our Society Farther Back Than The Early 1900s”

The self-inflicted genocide of late capitalism (A strong case can be made that the societal chaos we are experiencing — from a lack of fundamental self-preservation instincts to the inability to think critically — is evidence of society-wide neurological injury)

At some point over the last 50 years, the bourgeoisie (in the U.S. and throughout the developed world) embarked on the first self-inflicted genocide in human history. While the roots may go way back, the self-inflicted genocide became systematized and legalized with the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. By 2001 with the publication of Autism: aContinue reading “The self-inflicted genocide of late capitalism (A strong case can be made that the societal chaos we are experiencing — from a lack of fundamental self-preservation instincts to the inability to think critically — is evidence of society-wide neurological injury)”

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